Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy

The Modern Slavery Act 2015


Briggs Group Limited

Statement Pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (UK)

for the financial year 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018


In line with Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 this is Briggs Group Limited’s (Briggs) slavery and human trafficking statement as required by the legislation.

The Organisation’s Structure

Since June 2016 Briggs is a subsidiary of CIMC Enric Tank & Process B.V. (C.E.T.P) when 100% of its share capital was acquired. CETP is a subsidiary of CIMC Enric Holdings Ltd. CIMC Enric Holdings Limited, is a Hong Kong main board listed company (stock code: 3899. HK)

Briggs has offices in the UK and the USA and carries on activities in both locations – Burton upon Trent, UK and Rochester New York, USA. In Europe, CETP’s facilities are located in the Netherlands (Emmen and Zwolle), Germany (Brgstadt and Ludwigsburg), Denmark (Randers) and Belgium (Menen). In China the facility is in Nantong.

Its Business

Briggs is involved in the Brewing, Distilling, Food, Pharmaceutical, Health & Beauty and Biofuels markets, providing process engineering solutions for the world’s leading companies. Briggs’s capabilities include; process engineering, project management, consultancy, mechanical design, and high-integrity manufacturing. Briggs also includes the brands: Giusti; Sizer; and Burnett & Rolfe.

Its Supply Chains

Briggs carries out due diligence on all suppliers through its Health and Safety and Quality questionnaire. It holds a rigorous approach to Health & Safety and Quality Management. Suppliers in its supply chain have to adhere to all the applicable laws, which in turn would include the Modern Slavery Act 2015.  We encourage employees to meet with suppliers so any concerns can be raised or addressed. In 2018 Briggs employed a Procurement Manager for active management of its supply chain.

Risks of Slavery and Human Trafficking in our Business and Supply Chains

Considering the countries our suppliers are vested in we determined our business to be low-risk for these abuses. This is monitored by the business throughout the year.

The self-assessment questionnaires completed by our suppliers did not identify any areas of major non-conformance to our standards. Pursuant to our internal procedures, in the event any non-conformance is identified, an improvement plan is put in place to ensure conformance to the standards set by these Codes.

Company Policies

We are committed to conducting business with absolute integrity. This ultimately includes combatting modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain. Briggs has an Equal Opportunities Policy and are committed to equal opportunities with a workplace free of discrimination, victimisation and bullying. This includes work in the offices and work sites. All policies are readily available and updated annually in the Company Handbook (Terms and Conditions and Company Rules).

Training about Slavery and Human Trafficking

A training programme is being developed with the Management Team. This is to be rolled out to employees to understand the potential risks of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain.

Board Approvals and Signatures

This Statement has been approved by the boards of Briggs and C.E.T.P. A Director of each company has authorised by signature the above statement. A signed copy is available on request from